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Final Wistle Blow As The Match Ended Draw

Al Qalam university Katsina media news

*Sport Update* 


Friday-12th-July- 2019

*Final Wistle Blow As The Match Ended Draw*

The dramatic derby between AUK team and that of UMYUK were ended with a draw of 1-1 with both team scores at second half.

There was a massive turnout of students from Umaru Musa and that of Al-Qalam University.

Also many observers like Hon. Aliyu Sabi'u Muduru, Hon. Abduljalal Runka members of the State House of Assembly, HOD Biological Scinces Mal. Muhammad A. Sa'id, HOD Mathematical Scinces Mal. Shamsuddeen Galadachi, E.O Biological Sciences Mal. Muhammad Haruna Tsagero and others.

The match was very thrilling and exciting game.

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