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State forum set to organize the first Al-Qalam week

Al Qalam university Katsina media news
*Breaking News* 


Tuesday 9th July 2019

 *State forum set to organize the first Al-Qalam week* 

The states president forum had one of its annual meetings on Tuesday july 9 2019 to discuss key important issues of the forum. 

The meeting was chaired by comrade ambizi(NANISS president) who is the chairman of the state presidents forum, in attendance were Adamawa state president Comrade Abdul jabar,  Abuja state president Comrade dangiwa, Zamfara state president Comrade fahad, Kano state president comrade Alfa, Katsina state president Comrade Suwaiba,  Kaduna state president and also the sokoto state president. as observer was Comrade Talba from Auk media news and also the sport director of Alqalam Babban Yaya was in attendance. 

This shows the zeal, determination and cooperation of this presidents to achieve and bring about growth and development to the school. 

Among the agendas of the meeting the state presidents forum discussed were they are going to organize the first Al-Qalam week which will include inter-state football competitions, public lecture and launching of magazine to highlight some key moments on campus, a hot sizzling debate, game of words, quiz and award presentation.

The program is going to be the first in the history of the school and with the ongoing arrangements its going to be spontaneous, breathtaking, thrilling, exciting and memorable. 

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