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300 Level Biological Science students embark on Field Trip

Al Qalam university Katsina media news

*News update*


Monday 8th July 2019

*300 Level Biological Science students embark on Field Trip*

Today, Mon Jul, 8 Biological Science department embarked on a Field trip to *Kano State* which is a course for 300 level students.

The Field trip comprises of a visit to Kano State *Zoological Garden and Tamburawa Water Treatment*. The visit is meant to broaden the students knowledge by exposing them the practical aspects of what has been thought to them in their classes.

About 200 students including male and female with several lectures from the departments are accompanied with security personals both from the University and Nigerian Police Force.

A delay in the trip was due to heavy rain fall in the early hours of dusk. The trip was which was scheduled  begin 7am began 9:20am with 3 KSTA luxurious Buses and a Coaster provided by the University.

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