Al Qalam university Katsina media news
*News Update*
Yawmul Ithnayn 3rd of Muharram 1441AH
Tuesday 3rd September, 2019
*Team Progressive Minds visits H.O.D Political Science Dept. alongside Public Affairs Unit for efficiency*
The above said team headed by the contestant for NAPSS presidential seat *Liman Sa'ad Abubakar* had earlier today visited the Public Affairs Unit of the varsity & H.O.D political science department for a solid blessings.
Public Affairs is to promote the activities and networks of the University especially the activities of the Vice Chancellor. Said, Mal. Akilu.
He emphasized that "students are part and parcel of the school activities and that the welfare of the students is their concerns.
Including that, he supports and endorses the team for its sense of greatness to even think of going to some respected personalities for unification. He has shown utmost regard and have appreciated the visitation.
Still part of the moves, the H.O.D Political Science evidently explicate his appreciation as the father of the department and pray to Allah for success, blessings and guidance.
*Hamman Yaya'u*
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*Al-Qalam University Katsina*
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*News Update*
Yawmul Ithnayn 3rd of Muharram 1441AH
Tuesday 3rd September, 2019
*Team Progressive Minds visits H.O.D Political Science Dept. alongside Public Affairs Unit for efficiency*
The above said team headed by the contestant for NAPSS presidential seat *Liman Sa'ad Abubakar* had earlier today visited the Public Affairs Unit of the varsity & H.O.D political science department for a solid blessings.
Public Affairs is to promote the activities and networks of the University especially the activities of the Vice Chancellor. Said, Mal. Akilu.
He emphasized that "students are part and parcel of the school activities and that the welfare of the students is their concerns.
Including that, he supports and endorses the team for its sense of greatness to even think of going to some respected personalities for unification. He has shown utmost regard and have appreciated the visitation.
Still part of the moves, the H.O.D Political Science evidently explicate his appreciation as the father of the department and pray to Allah for success, blessings and guidance.
*Hamman Yaya'u*
_*Social Media handles*_
Vist our website today at:
@auk press
@auk press
*Al-Qalam University Katsina*
Property of *AUK PRESS*. Not to be republished, reproduced or rewritten without the prior permission of *Auk Press*
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