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Political Science Department To Play a Friendly Match With physics Department

Al Qalam university Katsina media news

*Sports update*


Thursday 4th July 2019

*Political Science Department To Play a Friendly Match With physics Department*

A crucial football  friendly match will be played between Political Science Department and Physics Department of Al-Qalam University.

Date: 6th July, 2019
Time: 4pm
Venue: School field

The PRO of the association *Habiba hassan abdullahi* added that;

 The President of Political Science Students, *Aliyu Aliyu Kurfi*
through his Secretary General *Usman Idris Jere* have related that;

 *Abbas Abdullahi* who served as the coach of 400 level in the last semester inter level competition will jointly work with Mustapha A. Lawal, the Sports Director of NAPSS to coach and facilitate the players of Political Science Department.

All players are expected to prepare themselves and be out on time as lateness may render one disqualified to play.

Also all the students of political science department are invited to watch out the hot derby in mass.

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