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Katsina Niger students set To host Dinner, Award Presentation, Cultural Exhibition And Red Carpet Show To It's Students

Al Qalam university Katsina media news

*News update*


Saturday 6th July 2019

*Katsina Niger students set To host Dinner, Award Presentation, Cultural Exhibition And Red Carpet Show To It's Students*

The Katsina Niger students association in collaboration with various universities set to have come with a new idea of presenting NANISS award of excellence, cultural exhibition dinner and red carpet show to various Nigerlites students across the state, this is with the aim of fostering unity, building capacity and friendship with various niger state students.

The Date of the event is: 27th July, 2019
Time: 3:00pm
Venue: Undisclosed

*Some of the categories of the awards are;*

•Most Beautiful Award
•Most Friendly Award
•Best Friends Award
•Most Social Award
•Most Handsome Award
•Mr & Mrs Niger Award

Ticket will soon be available @Katsina City Restaurant.

 *For More Information Contact;*

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